• I look forward to getting to know you and your college-bound child.

    First, I think you should learn a little about who I am.
Janine Lossing
  • Bachelor of Arts degree from Cornell University
  • Master of Business Administration degree from
    The Fuqua School of Business at Duke University
  • Current Regional Chair for Cornell University
    Alumni Ambassador Network
  • Active CollegeTracks student coach
  • Proud parent of children attending Princeton,
    Cornell and Johns Hopkins Universities
My Story

I have helped students with college admissions essays since 2012.
I have helped students get accepted into colleges that rejected their friends with similar or better SAT/ACT scores and GPAs. I believe the difference was how my students told their story in their college essays.

I was an advertising executive and marketing consultant for over 25 years, helping brands tell their story and stand out from competitive products. Success in that role required a keen knowledge of what the end-customer wanted and how to tell the brand's story so that it was memorable, interesting and appealing.

I have taken my 25+ years of marketing experience and applied it to the college essay process. I know what the college admissions office application readers want and how to tell your child's story so that it is memorable and appealing. I have a process that will help your child Get to Yes from the admissions office.

I am active with the nonprofit CollegeTracks program at two local high schools where I help students navigate the college journey from start to finish. I am immersed in the college process and am routinely reviewing books and websites on this process to ensure my approach reflects the best thinking available. I do this because I truly enjoy it and want to help high school students get to the college of their choice.

So you see, I'm not a journalist or frustrated author looking for a side-gig. I am dedicated to helping students realize their dream of attending the right college. The writing style for success in the college application process is unique and sadly, not something that is taught in school. There is only one chance to get it right. I can help and will tell you more about this on the Get to Yes page of this web site.